What everyone does
Of course, I have been following the news of the internet and the social media world for many years and I have been participating in this content battle, creating, tagging, scrolling and receiving.
This morning, on a pleasant and relaxing Saturday morning, I started my day with the least recommended activity. I went on Instagram, scrolled through the stories of my followers and some recommended posts. On top of that, I checked out a few websites and dating apps. After about half an hour of all this visual content, I was struck by a question: who are these people anyway? Why am I following them? And why do I feel they are so much better at giving themselves away? I concluded that they must have a happy life. I have read this on several fronts, that this is a common effect and I am not alone.
Interspersed among the stories were easy and quickly digestible articles with enough clickbate titles, such as today's Player.hu-n. And yes, and I swipe upped, linked through, brought them the click and the click through amounts. I did it like a fair and irresponsible net user, went where I was directed, scrolled, looked at the pictures, maybe even forwarded some to friends.

I have 3 problems with this:
- The click-throughs, ads and click bate titles take up my attention and with it my time.
- I gained little useful knowledge in half an hour.
- I ended up with more envy and self-blame than useful motivation.
I also felt the need for the real opposite of the Like and Follow button; the request delete button.
This button is not the equivalent of Dislike or Angry emoji, but rather it's really there to make this content disappear from the world and not waste other people's time and cause this kind of mood. That's what this trending disgust is all about.
Read more about my views on social media The amazing algorithm in my blog article!