The use of mobile phones and tablets is becoming increasingly popular, with a significant proportion of people browsing the internet on their devices. This means that responsive web design is becoming increasingly important when designing websites. Responsive web design is an approach that allows your site to display properly on all devices and provide a better user experience for your customers.
One of the benefits of responsive web design is that it allows our site to display properly on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. This means that visitors to our site can easily find the information they are looking for on any device. In addition, responsive web design helps our website load faster on all devices, improving the user experience and reducing waiting times.

Responsive web design also helps you find customers. A large proportion of online shoppers are now using their mobile phones to find businesses, so if our website is not available on their mobile phones, we are losing potential customers. By using responsive web design, customers can easily find and access the information they are looking for on their mobile phones or tablets.
Google also favours the use of responsive web design. Google believes that websites that are responsive, i.e. that display well on different devices, rank higher in search results. If your website is not responsive, it may rank lower in Google search results, which will reduce traffic to your site and your customers' ability to find you.

In summary, responsive web design helps ensure that your website looks good on all devices and improves the user experience. Mobile and tablet usage continues to grow, so it's imperative to reach all potential customers.
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