Logo design

Printable quality vector logo

International quality at domestic prices

Affordable prices

We work on an hourly rate basis

Quick execution

We have been optimising our design and construction processes for years

High Tech

We use the latest technology tools

Logo design process

We get your ideas and plans so far

They can be drawings, pictures, samples

We welcome virtually any visual representation you want your logo to look just a little like

We start researching the topic

We look at the communication patterns used in your industry

We've rounded up what we think are the winning ideas and aspects that will give you a striking look too

We'll collect all the designs, patterns and ideas you've collected in a prezi or Google Drive folder for you

You have time to review and think about it

You can show it to colleagues, friends and gather input

We use different software during the design process.

We've added AI capabilities to the familiar tools of the Adobe product line.

Sometimes we build from templates, sometimes we design your logo completely digitally, from the first line to the last.

The aim is efficiency and speed at this point.

We have a professional relationship, so you can be completely honest about what you think about the plans you receive.

What do you like about it?
What's not to like?
What could be better?
Why is one plan better than the other?
What other colours and shapes should we use?

This feedback is very important and will be the basis for further designs that will bring you closer and closer to your finished logo.

Based on the feedback we receive, our team will meet and start refining the logo designs.
We will determine which direction to take, get to know you and your industry a little better based on the feedback we receive.

Generally, within 2-3 feedback rounds, the client is accustomed to producing a finished logo that is accepted by the client.

In 6-10 man-hours, the entire logo design process can be completed, so everyone is relatively quickly freed up and satisfied with the end result.

From the first meeting, we will ask you what you want to use the logo for.

-Going to print?
-Is she going to be a Katrica?
-Are you going to use it only on the web?

Based on the answers to our questions, we'll know which formats to export your files to as a matter of priority.

We'll upload them all to the shared Google Drive folder and you can start using them.

JPG format

PNG format

Colour version

Black version

White version

Vector format

WebP format

We'll even compress it and upload it to Google Drive so you can share it with your team, colleagues or partners

I could say it's a special case, but it's quite common for us to use the logo immediately for your website.

So you can instantly see how it looks on desktop, mobile and other devices in the browser.

It's the most cost-effective and fastest way to test your logo on your website while in use.

If you have any further needs, we are of course still at your disposal.

Optimize your operations with us, read our answers. 


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