Conversion rate is an important indicator that shows how many of the visitors to our site are willing to take specific actions, such as making a purchase, subscribing or downloading something. Conversion rates can be influenced by a number of factors and the goal is to optimise these elements accordingly to maximise conversion rates.
Page speed:
Site speed is an important factor that affects the experience and patience of users. If our site is slow, users are likely to leave the site and our conversion rate will decrease.

The structure and layout of the website:
The structure and layout of the site is also an important factor. Your site should be easy to navigate, easy to read and user-friendly.
Quality and relevance of content:
The quality and relevance of content has an impact on the interest of visitors. If the content on our site is not relevant or interesting enough, visitors are likely to leave the site and our conversion rate will decrease.
The effectiveness of CTAs:
The effectiveness of CTAs (call-to-action) is also very important. The CTAs on your site need to be clear and attractive so that visitors click and take the desired action.
People are also increasingly using their mobile devices to browse the internet. Our site needs to be optimised for mobile devices so that visitors can easily find content that is relevant to them.

Building trust:
Building trust is very important to convince visitors that your site is trustworthy and worth buying, subscribing or downloading. Our site must give a professional and secure impression.
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